Theatre Research in Canada
Recherches théâtrales au Canada

Volume 41, Number 2, 2020 Special Issue on Performance For/By/With Young People in Canada Numéro spécial sur la performance pour/par/avec les jeune dans un contexte canadien Guest-edited by Sandra Chamberlain-Snider and Heather Fitzsimmons Frey

Table of contents (22 articles)

Editorial / Note de la rédaction

  1. Editorial Introduction
  2. Un mot de l’équipe de rédaction


  1. Performance For/By/With Young People in Canada
  2. La performance pour/par/avec les jeunes dans un contexte canadien

Hommage / In Memoriam

  1. Hommage à Joyce Doolittle
  2. In Memoriam: Joyce Doolittle


  1. The Aesthetics of Towards Youth: Making Relations in and through Theatre
  2. Traversée: Crossing Borders in Search of the Emancipatory Theatre for Children
  3. Disrupting Age Stereotypes in Theatre for Young Audiences with Older-Bodied Puppets
  4. Youth Participatory Action Research and Applied Theatre Engagement: Supporting Indigenous Youth Survivance and Resurgence


  1. Manifesting the Future
  2. Expanding Conversations of Race and the Nation: A Closer Look at The Fish Eyes Trilogy by Anita Majumdar
  3. Staging Anxiety in Rachel Aberle’s Still/Falling
  4. Accompagner la sortie au théâtre par la médiation culturelle en classe : une expérience riche pour les élèves et les enseignants
  5. A Conversation about Songs My Mother Never Sung Me
  6. Volunteerism and Calgary’s “infa-Moose” Community Impro Theatre
  7. Balancing Act
  8. Youth as Subjects and Agents of Artistic Research: A Comparison of Youth-Engagement Models
  9. Queer Isn’t a Choice! Queer Is My Family!

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Back issues of Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches théâtrales au Canada