Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
Revue de la Société historique du Canada

Volume 24, Number 2, 2013

Table of contents (12 articles)

  1. “A King in Every Countrey”: English and French Encounters with Indigenous Leaders in Sixteenth-Century America
  2. On the “very Brink between Time and Eternity”: Truth, Charity, and Last Dying Speeches in England, c. 1660–1700
  3. England’s “Bloody Code” in Crisis and Transition: Executions at the Old Bailey, 1760–1837
  4. Constructing Innocence: Representations of Sexual Violence in Upper Canada’s War of 1812
  5. Equitable Claims and Future Considerations: Road Building and Colonization in Early Ontario, 1850–1890
  6. Mad Flight? The Montréal Migration of 1896 to Brazil
  7. Living with Disputes: Zhang Gang Diary (1888–1942) and the Life of a Community Mediator in Late Qing and Republican China
  8. Canada’s Invisible Nationality Policy: Creating Ethnicity, Managing Populations, Imagining a Nation
  9. “No other weapon except organization”: The Métis Association of Alberta and the 1938 Metis Population Betterment Act
  10. Visions of Friendship and Equality: Representations of African Women in Missionary Propaganda in Interwar Britain
  11. African Canadian Anti-Discrimination Activism and the Transnational Civil Rights Movement, 1945–1965
  12. The Whale and the Region: Orca Capture and Environmentalism in the New Pacific Northwest

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