
Volume 15, Number 2, 1995

Table of contents (28 articles)

ANTHROPOLOGY OF WORK Guest editor: Greag Teal / ANTHROPOLOGIE DU TRAVAIL Sous la direction de Greg Teal

  1. Invisible Labour, Transnational Lives: Gendered Work and New Social Fields in Coastal Philippines
  2. Travail, identités et construction d’une image de soi dans les récits de vie d’immigrants italo-montréalais
  3. Creating Connected Identities Among Japanese Company Employees: Learning to be Members of Department Store Work Communities
  4. L’automatisation industrielle au Japon et ses conséquences sur le travail et les travailleurs
  5. Korean Management, Corporate Culture, and Systems of Labour Control Between South Korea and North America


  1. Our "Event-Full" World... the Challenge to an Anthropologist


  1. Ethnicity Deconstructed: The breakup of the former Yugoslavia and personal reflections on nationalism, identity and displacement



  1. John FROW and Meaghan MORRIS (eds), Australian Cultural Studies: A Reader. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993. 269 pages
  2. Kenelm BURRIDGE, In The Way: A Study of Christian Missionary Endeavours, Vancouver: UBC Press, 1991, xvi + 307 pages; appendices, notes, bibliography and index
  3. Béatrix LE WITA (J.A. UNDERWOOD, translator), French Bourgeois Culture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1994: 168 pages
  4. Fabrizio SABELLI, Recherche anthropologique et développement, Neuchâtel: Éditions de l’institut d’ethnologie et Paris : Éditions de la MASON des sciences de l’homme, 1993, 176 pages (broché)
  5. Christine DURIF-BRUCKNER, Une fabuleuse machine. Anthropologie des savoirs ordinaires sur les fonctions physiologiques, Paris : Éditions Métailié, 1994, 224 pages, 125 FF (broché)
  6. Paul VIRILIO, The Vision Machine, Londres and Indianapolis : British Film Institute et Indiana University Press, 1994, 81 pages (broché) (Traduit du français, La machine de vision, Éditions Galilée, 1988)
  7. P.F. KLUGE, The Edge of Paradise. America in Micronesia, Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 1991, 244 pages (broché)
  8. Stanley N. KURTZ, All the Mothers Are One. Hindu India and the Cultural Reshaping of Psychoanalysis, New York : Columbia University Press, 1992, 306 pages (relié)
  9. Lesley A. SHARP, The Possessed and the Dispossessed. Spirits, Identity, and Power in a Madagascar Migrant Town, Berkeley : University of California Press, 1993, 345 pages (relié)
  10. Louis DUMONT, German Ideology From France to Germany and Back, Chicago et Londres : The University of Chicago Press, 1994, 250 pages, index (relié)
  11. Margaret LOCK, Encounters with Aging. Mythologies of Menopause in Japan and North America, Berkeley : University of California Press, 1993, xliv + 439 pages, index (relié)
  12. Evelyn A. EARLY, Baladi Women of Cairo. Playing with an Egg and a Stone, Boulder & London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, 217 pages (broché)
  13. Valentine M. MOGHADAM, Modernizing Women. Gender & Social Change in the Middle East, Boulder & London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, 311 pages (broché)
  14. Michel PERRIN, Le chamanisme, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, Coll. « Que sais-je? », 1995, 128 pages
  15. Eugène VAN ERVEN, The Playful Revolution: Theatre and Liberation in Asia, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1992, 284 pages (broché)
  16. Françoise-Romaine OUELLETTE et Claude BARITEAU (éditeurs), Entre tradition et universalisme, Québec : Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1994, 574 pages
  17. James B. WALDRAM, D. Anne HERRING and T. Kue YOUNG, Aboriginal Health in Canada: Historical, Cultural and Epidemiological Perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995, 334 pages
  18. Ben FINNEY et al, Voyage of Rediscovery: A Cultural Odyssey Through Polynesia, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. xviii + 401 pages
  1. List of Books Received / Liste des livres reçus
  2. Couverture / Cover

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