Canadian Medical Education Journal
Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale

Volume 14, Number 4, 2023

Table of contents (27 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

Original Research / Recherche originale

  1. A comparative analysis of graduate preparedness for a career in General Internal Medicine before and after national subspecialty recognition to inform curricular changes: Have we met the mark?
  2. Exploring the culture of faculty development: Insights from Canadian leaders of faculty development
  3. “Head of the Class”: Equity discourses related to department head appointments at one Canadian medical school

Reviews, Theoretical Papers, and Meta-Analyses / Articles de synthèse, articles théoriques et méta-analyses

  1. A systematic review of the effectiveness of journal clubs in undergraduate medicine
  2. Fostering the development of non-technical competencies in medical learners through patient engagement: A rapid review
  3. Effect of teaching tools in spatial understanding in health science education: A systematic review

Brief Reports / Communications brèves

  1. Identifying Royal College-accredited simulation centre research priorities across Canada
  2. If we assess, will they learn? Students’ perspectives on the complexities of assessment-for-learning
  3. Assessing commitment to reflection: Perceptions of medical students

Black Ice / Terrain glissant

  1. Practical and customizable study strategies for clerkship year success
  2. Five practical strategies to get a grip on large group cooperative virtual learning in medical education

You Should Try This / Osez l’expérience !

  1. True transition to practice: A role-reversal simulation
  2. Design thinking sprints as a facilitation process to enact change in the residency match process and beyond
  3. Introducing change management education program for family medicine residents: A demonstration project
  4. Teaching peer reviewing to medical students through authentic peer reviews: How to build the next generation of scholars

Canadiana / Canadiana

Commentary and Opinions / Commentaires et Opinions

Letters to the Editor / Lettre à l’éditeur

Works-in-Progress / Travaux en cours

  1. Recruiting rural youth to healthcare careers: A scoping review protocol
  2. Development of a bilingual interdisciplinary scale assessing self-efficacy for participating in Medical Assistance in Dying

Book Reviews / Compte rendus de livre(s)

  1. Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning (2nd edition)



Back issues of Canadian Medical Education Journal / Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale