Relations industrielles
Industrial Relations

Volume 11, numéro 3, juin 1956

Sommaire (26 articles)

  1. Les policiers et l'arbitrage
  2. Employee Attitude Surveys in the United States
  3. Le partage des profits à la Compagnie Supreme Aluminum Industries Ltd.
  4. La stabilité de l'emploi — L'expérience des textiles
  5. Employment Stability: The Private Sector of the Canadian Economy

Jurisprudence du travail

Faits et commentaires

  1. Après dix ans d'apprentissage dans l'industrie de la chaussure
  2. Les relations humaines du travail


  1. Le code criminel et les unions ouvrières
  2. Le Congrès du Travail Canadien

Livres et revues / Books and Reviews

  1. Disability Retirement in Industrial Pension Plans. By W. Michael Blumenthal. Princeton, N.J.: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University, 1956, 62 pp.
  2. Formal Job Evaluation and Some of Its Economie Implications. By L. G. Nicolopoulos. Research Report No. 1. Montreal: The Industrial Relations Centre of McGill University, 1954. 43 pp.
  3. Industrial Conflict and Dispute Settlement. Seventh Annual Conference (April 18-19, 1955). Montreal: Industrial Relations Centre, McGill University, 1955. 121 pp.
  4. Municipal Labour Relations in Canada. By S. J. Frankel and R. C. Pratt. Montreal: The Industrial Relations Centre of McGill University and Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, 1954. 87 pp.fl $2.50.
  5. Sixth Annual Conference (April 21-22, 1954). Montreal: Industrial Relations Centre, McGill University, 1954, 125 pp., mimeo.
  6. Effective Personnel Selection Procedures. By C. Harold STONE and William E. KENDALL. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Haill, Inc., 1956. 433 pp.
  7. Handbook of Industrial Engineering and Management. Edited by W. Grant Ireson and Eugene L. Grant. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1955, 1203 pp. $12.00.
  8. Keeping Pace with Automation. Special Report No. 7. American Management Association. New York, 1956. 136 pp.
  9. Money and Motivation : An Analysis of Incentives in Industry. By William F. Whyte et al. New York: Harper & Bros., 1955, XII, 268 pp. $4.
  10. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. By Dale Yoder. 4th Edition, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1956. 941 pp.
  11. Psychology of Personnel in Business and Industry. By Roger M. Bellows. 2nd Edition. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1954. 467 pp. $5.50.
  12. Union Strike Votes : Current Practice and Proposed Controls. By Herbert S. Parnes. Princeton: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Universitv, 1956. 141 pp.
  13. The Sociology of Industrial Relations : An Introduction to Industrial Sociology. By John B. Knox. New York: Random House, 1955. 348 pp.
  14. Psychology in Management, by Mason Haire, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 220 pp., 1956.
  1. Publications récentes
  2. Livres reçus

Anciens numéros de Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations