Canadian Medical Education Journal
Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale

Volume 13, numéro 1, 2022

Sommaire (18 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

  1. Another CMEJ experiment: Teams of editors manage a section

Major Contributions / Contributions importantes

  1. Residents’ transformational changes through self-regulated, experiential learning for professionalism
  2. “Get the DNR”: Residents’ perceptions of goals of care conversations before and after an e-learning module
  3. Développement et mise à l’essai du Guide de rétroaction francophone pour l’observation directe des résidents en médecine familiale au Canada
  4. Conformity, obedience, and the Better than Average Effect in health professional students
  5. Enseigner en situation de pandémie : la transformation de l’enseignement et de la supervision clinique

Brief Reports / Communications brèves

  1. The effect of case nodes in problem-based learning on the length and quality of discussion: A 2x2 factorial study
  2. Reading of the Week: A continuing professional development program for psychiatrists and residents that Osler would have liked

Canadiana / Canadiana

  1. High frequency of otolaryngology/ENT encounters in Canadian primary care despite low medical undergraduate experiences
  2. “There's always something to talk about!” The unexpected benefits of going virtual in a Canadian diversity mentorship program

You Should Try This / Essayez ceci

  1. Virtual breakout rooms: An effective approach to offer guidance to medical students on residency applications
  2. Engaging medical education scholars with a Twitter conference on professionalism and professional identity formation
  3. Energizing scholarly activity in a regional medical campus

Commentary and Opinions / Commentaires et Opinions

Images / Images


Anciens numéros de Canadian Medical Education Journal / Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale