Toward a Bijural Interpretation of the Principle of Respect in Aboriginal Law[Record]

  • Kirsten Manley-Casimir

Legal Counsel, Aboriginal Justice Division, Ministry of the Attorney General, Ontario. Kirsten just completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia law school. In her dissertation, she advocated for a relational approach to the duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal peoples under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. She would like to thank the following people for constructive feedback that greatly improved this article: Gordon Christie, Douglas Harris, Renisa Mawani, Michael Manley-Casimir, two anonymous reviewers, and the editorial staff at the McGill Law Journal. None of the views expressed in this article represent the Ontario government’s views on these issues.

Citation: (2016) 61:4 McGill LJ 939

Référence : (2016) 61:4 RD McGill 939
