Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada

Volume 22, numéro 2, 2001

Sommaire (16 articles)

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    Introduction: Sharon Pollock at Play / Sharon Pollock Sur Scène
    Sharon Pollock's Portraits of the Artist
    Staging the Intersections of Time in Sharon Pollock's Moving Pictures and End Dream
    Sharon Pollock: Transfiguring the Maternal
    Daddy on Trial: Sharon Pollock's New Brunswick Plays
    The Drama of Survival: Staging Post-traumatic Memory in Plays by Lebanese-Québécois Dramatists
    A History of Dramatic Copyright and Performance Right in Canada to 1924


Reviews / Comptes Rendus



Contributors / Collaborateurs

Anciens numéros de Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada