Studies in Canadian Literature

Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 1983

Table of contents (9 articles)

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    Form in Atwood's Surfacing: Toward a Synthesis of Critical Opinion
    The Journals of Susanna Moodie: A Twentieth-Century Look at a Nineteenth-Century Life
    An Audience in Mind When I Speak: Grove's In Search of Myself
    Tremoured with Fire: Duncan Campbell Scott's Love Poetry
    Remembering It All Well: "The Tantramar Revisited"
    Days of Future Past: Time in the Fiction of Charles Bruce
    Patrick Lane and the Question of Authority

Notes and Commentaries

    "Ellen Lindstedt": The Unpublished Sequel to Grove's Settlers of the March
    MacLennan's Athanase Tallard: Robert Owen in Saint Marc

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