Journal of Canadian Labour Studies
Le Travail
Revue d’Études Ouvrières Canadiennes

Volume 84, Fall 2019

Table of contents (33 articles)

  1. Contributors
  2. Editor's Note
  3. Note de la rédaction

Poetry / Poésie


  1. The Employment Standards Enforcement Gap and the Overtime Pay Exemption in Ontario
  2. The New New Poor Law: A Chapter in the Current Class War Waged from Above
  3. Une catégorie de chômeurs à part : les cols blancs de Montréal, 1930-1935
  4. Proletarianization of Professional Employees and Underemployment of General Intellect in a “Knowledge Economy”: Canada, 1982–2016
  5. Building Union Muscle: The GoodLife Fitness Organizing and First-Contract Campaign

Presentation / Présentation

  1. Contemporary Challenges: Teaching Labour History

Research Notes / Notes de Recherche

  1. “They Didn’t Even Realize Canada Was a Different Country”: Canadian Left Nationalism at the 1971 Vancouver Indochinese Women’s Conference
  2. The Forgotten Work of Cultural Workers

Note and Document / Note et document

  1. The Speech Bill Pritchard Never Gave

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

Reviews / Comptes Rendus

  1. Peter Graham and Ian McKay, Radical Ambition: The New Left in Toronto
  2. Michel S. Beaulieu, David K. Ratz, and Ronald N. Harpelle, eds., Hard Work Conquers All: Building the Finnish Community in Canada
  3. Taylor Hollander, Power, Politics, and Principle: Mackenzie King and Labour, 1935–1948
  4. Greg Albo & Bryan Evans, eds., Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism
  5. Veronica Strong-Boag, The Last Suffragist Standing: The Life and Times of Laura Marshall Jamieson
  6. Daniel J. Clark, Disruption in Detroit: Autoworkers and the Elusive Postwar Boom
  7. Mel van Elteren, Managerial Control of American Workers: Methods and Technology from the 1880s to Today
  8. Hanif Abdurraqib, Never Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to a Tribe Called Quest
  9. Neil Johnson, The Labour Church: The Movement and Its Message
  10. Evan Smith and Matthew Worley, eds., Waiting for the Revolution: The British Far Left from 1956
  11. Oleksa Drachewych, The Communist International, Anti-Imperialism and Racial Equality in British Dominions
  12. Sherry Lee Linkon, The Half-Life of Deindustrialization: Working Class Writing about Economic Restructuring
  13. Kristen R. Ghodsee, Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence
  14. Jakub S. Beneš, Workers and Nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890–1918
  15. Alessandro Portelli, Biography of an Industrial Town, Terni, Italy, 1831–2014

Minutes / Procès-verbal

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