Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region
Revue d’histoire de la région Atlantique

Volume 48, Number 2, Fall 2019

Table of contents (12 articles)


  1. The View from Jacob Street: Reframing Urban Renewal in Postwar Halifax
  2. The “Morals of Genealogy”: Liberal Settler Colonialism, the Nova Scotia Archives, and the North American Ancestor-Hunters, 1890-1980
  3. Transoceanic Networks of Exchange: New Brunswick Lumber, Merchant Trade, and the Building of Victorian Britain
  4. Productivism, Neoliberalism, and Responses to Regional Disparities in Canada: The Case of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  5. Against Prevailing Currents: The History of Them Days Magazine in Labrador

New Voices / Nouvelles voix

Review Essays / Notes Critiques

  1. Statues in Time: Canadian Days and Holidays

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