Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée

Volume 24, numéro 3, automne 2021

Sommaire (11 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

  1. Editorial


  1. Cours de français langue seconde pour personnes immigrantes à Québec : portrait des habiletés orales en fin de parcours
  2. Maîtrise des clitiques datifs dans les structures bitransitives en français L2 par des apprenants anglophones : influence de la structure argumentale de la L1
  3. Knowledge of Greek and Latin Roots is Related to Reading Comprehension among French-Speaking Sixth Graders
  4. Error Analyses and the Cognitive or Linguistic Influences on Children’s Spelling: Comparisons Between First- and Second-Language Learners
  5. Effectiveness in L2 Vocabulary Study – A Classroom-based Investigation of Deliberate Learning
  6. Differential Effects of Input-based and Output-based Tasks on L2 Vocabulary Learning
  7. Is Less Really More? The Case for Comprehensive Written Corrective Feedback
  8. Does Prewriting Planning Positively Impact English L2 Students’ Integrated Writing Performance?
  9. Tellers, Makers, and Holders of Stories: A Micro-Analytic Understanding of Students’ Identity Work in Drama-based Adult ESL Classrooms

Book Reviews / Critiques de livres


Anciens numéros de Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics / Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée