Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance et Réforme

Volume 38, Number 3, Summer 2015 Les passions et leurs enjeux au seizième siècle Guest-edited by Colette H. Winn

Table of contents (27 articles)


  1. Introduction
  2. La passion au miroir : les dizains spéculaires de Délie
  3. Gabrielle de Coignard’s Sonnets spirituels: Writing Passion within and against the Petrarchan Tradition
  4. “C’est un amour ou Cupidon nouveau”: Spiritual Passion and the Profane Persona in Anne de Marquets’s Les Divines Poesies de Marc Antoine Flaminius (1568–1569)
  5. Éros médical. Le périple anatomique de René Bretonnayau (1583)
  6. « Si je ne suis pas sans reproches, du moins suis-je sans peur » : la passion dévorante de Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard
  7. A Fantastic Frenzy of Consumption in Early Modern France
  8. « Quant à ce beau discours du mespris du monde ... » : foi calviniste et plaisirs mondains chez quatre grandes dames de la Réforme en France
  9. Playing with Fire: Narrating Angry Women and Men in the Heptaméron
  10. Laughing at Unbearable Urges: Reshaping the Male-Authored Script of Desire


Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

  1. Conti, Brooke. Confessions of Faith in Early Modern England
  2. Du Bosc, Jacques. L’Honnête Femme: The Respectable Woman in Society and the New Collection of Letters and Responses by Contemporary Women
  3. Eisenbichler, Konrad, ed. Collaboration, Conflict, and Continuity in the Reformation: Essays in Honour of James M. Estes on His Eightieth Birthday
  4. Jacobson, Miriam. Barbarous Antiquity: Reorienting the Past in the Poetry of Early Modern England
  5. Kerr, Rosalind. The Rise of the Diva on the Sixteenth-Century Commedia dell’Arte Stage
  6. King, Margaret L., ed. and trans. Renaissance Humanism: An Anthology of Sources
  7. Marinella, Lucrezia. Exhortations to Women and to Others if They Please
  8. Mulryne, J. R., with Maria Ines Aliverti and Anna Maria Testaverde, eds. Ceremonial Entries in Early Modern Europe: The Iconography of Power
  9. Oldenburg, Scott. Alien Albion: Literature and Immigration in Early Modern England
  10. Palfrey, Simon. Poor Tom: Living King Lear
  11. Riche, Barnabe. The Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungaria (1592)
  12. Roberts, David. Restoration Plays and Players: An Introduction
  13. Rubini, Rocco. The Other Renaissance: Italian Humanism between Hegel and Heidegger
  14. Rust, Jennifer R. The Body in Mystery: The Political Theology of the Corpus Mysticum in the Literature of Reformation England
  15. Scott, Tom. The Early Reformation in Germany: Between Secular Impact and Radical Vision
  16. Trull, Mary E. Performing Privacy and Gender in Early Modern Literature

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