Nutrition Science en évolution La revue de l'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec

Managing editor(s): Josée De La Durantaye (Directrice générale) / Editor(s): Josée De La Durantaye (Rédactrice en chef)



The journal’s archives are available for free.

Nutrition Science en évolution is the official journal of the Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec (OPDQ) [Quebec Professional Order of Dietitians], the organization in charge of overseeing professional dietitians in Quebec. The journal has been published under that name since 2003; it was previously known as Diététique en action, dating back to 1987. The goal of the journal is to provide dietitians, nutritionists and health care professionals with professional development/continuing education opportunities. The journal is published three times a year in March, June and November.

The key sections are "Dossier" and the article entitled "Le Plus", both of which provide original literature reviews on nutrition-related topics of interest. "Dossier" generally consists of three or four articles dealing with the same general topic, while "Le Plus" explores a different nutrition-related topic.

The other sections are as follows:

  • "Pratico-pratique": This section focuses on validated tools, methods and programs with specific applications for practitioners.
  • "Reportage": This section focuses on highlights of conferences, conventions and other continuing education events relating to nutrition.
  • "Veille scientifique": This section provides references to relevant nutrition-related scientific articles published in the preceding months (non-exhaustive list).
  • "Chronique juridique": This legal column deals with the regulatory aspects of the profession.


Back issues (12 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.