Journal of Childhood Studies

Volume 47, Number 3, June 2022 Ecological Challenges with/in Contemporary Childhoods Special Issue Guest-edited by Nicole Land, Lisa-Marie Gagliardi and Meagan Montpetit

Table of contents (8 articles)

From the Editors

Articles from Research

  1. Entangle, Entangled, Entanglements: Reimagining a Child and Youth Engagement Model Using a Common Worlds Approach
  2. Keepers of the Night Stories
  3. Childhood, Futurity, and Settler Time
  4. Plastics, Birds, and Humans: Awakening and Quickening Ecological Minds in Young Children and Their Teachers
  5. Dis/orientating the Early Childhood Sensorium: A Palate Making Menu for Public Pedagogy
  6. Speculative Child Figures at the End of the (White) World

Ideas from Practice

  1. “Watch Out for Their Home!”: Disrupting Extractive Forest Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education


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