Canadian Medical Education Journal
Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale

Volume 12, Number 6, 2021

Table of contents (25 articles)

Editorial / Éditorial

  1. Education decision making at medical schools: there must be a better way

Major Contributions / Contributions importantes

  1. Can we predict failure in licensure exams from medical students’ undergraduate academic performance?
  2. Systems to support scholarly social media: a qualitative exploration of enablers and barriers to new scholarship in academic medicine
  3. A proposed learning environment framework for virtual care
  4. Performance of Black and Indigenous applicants in a medical school admissions process
  5. Educators and practitioners’ perspectives in the development of a learning by concordance tool for medical clerkship in the context of the COVID pandemic
  6. Learning needs of family physicians, pediatricians and obstetricians to support breastfeeding and inform physician education
  7. Exploring the nature and focus of feedback when using video playback in gynecology laparoscopy training

Brief Reports / Communications brèves

  1. Towards a better understanding of medical students’ mentorship needs: a self-determination theory perspective
  2. Black students applying and admitted to medicine in the province of Quebec, Canada: what do we know so far?
  3. Development of professionalism vignettes for the continuum of learners within a medical and nursing community of practice

Black Ice / Terrain glissant

  1. Five ways to get a grip on the shortcomings of logic models in program evaluation

Canadiana / Canadiana

  1. Dr Alexander Augusta sought medical education in Canada but became a medical educator in America after the Civil War
  2. Medical student wellness in Canada: time for a national curriculum framework

You Should Try This / Essayez ceci

  1. A structured curriculum and procedure clinic to help family medicine residents diagnose and treat skin cancer
  2. The Opioid Awareness and Support Team: an innovative example of medical education and community partnership
  3. Supported rural pre-medicine: a descriptive evaluation of a novel undergraduate program’s first cohorts
  4. Stethopedia: an e-learning resource for medical students to supplement Canadian clinical skills education
  5. Conducting a synchronous virtual multiple mini-interview using Webex for medical school admissions

Commentary and Opinions / Commentaires et Opinions

  1. Challenging the inequities of family planning in medical training
  2. Dermatology education in skin of colour: where we are and where do we go?
  3. Beyond the Mask

Letters to the Editor / Lettre à l’éditeur

Works-in-Progress / Travaux en cours

  1. Cutting corners: donning under duress–a VR teaching tool

Images / Images

  1. Relationship-centered care in Canadian medial education


Back issues of Canadian Medical Education Journal / Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale