Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur

Volume 52, Number 2, 2022

Table of contents (11 articles)


  1. Reaching the Finish Line: Personality and Persistence in Post-secondary Education
  2. L’accès aux ressources universitaires de la population étudiante en situation de handicap émergent à la maîtrise et au doctorat au Québec
  3. Canadian Higher Education and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Pension Plan
  4. L’adaptation scolaire des étudiants LGB issus de l’immigration au Québec : quels liens avec le processus de coming out ?
  5. Uneven Learning Landscapes Ahead: Instructor Perspectives on Undergraduate Student Mental Health
  6. Facilitators and Barriers Highlighted by On-Campus Service Providers for Students Seeking Mental Health Services
  7. Gender Differences in the Relationships between Research Impact and Compensation and Promotion: A Case Study Among PhD/PharmD Medical/Dental School Faculty
  8. Training and Employment of Classic and Semi-Professions: Intensifying versus Accommodating Logics

Book Review / Recensions


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